Stitch & Story Club Sponsors & Contact Information
OCHS Librarians, Mrs. Jennifer Koehler and Mrs. Jennifer Porter, sponser the Stitch & Story Club which was formerly two clubs, Totally Knot Swords AND The Book Club. For more information on how to join or if you need a replacement club pass to attend during OC Block, please stop by the library or contact them at
Club Description & FAQs
Mission Statement: The club will provide a welcoming, supportive, and safe environment for members to foster their interests in fiber arts or their appreciation for reading while making new friendships.
Club Description: This is a club where you can relax, chat, and craft or read. The club gives students the time and space to interact with others who share an interest in needlework or reading. There will even be times where our needlework crafting overlaps with our reading!
Members that are crafting may branch off into their own projects, work collaboratively with a friend, or participate in monthly group projects. It is welcoming to students who already know a fiber art or are just beginning.
Our readers are welcome to read any club day and are encouraged to share their love of reading with others. Students may self organize small group reads, and take the time to pick their next read during club time.
Meeting Location: OCHS Library
Meeting Times:
- During OC Block Wednesday's, Thursday's, & Friday's
- Sometimes there will be after school activities & meetings. These will be announced via the Canvas page.
OC Block- if you are enrolled in our OC Block we’re supper excited to see you every day. Remember, if you need to attend another club that’s okay, you just need to check in with us first.
NON OC Block Club Members: If you have stopped by to pick up one of our physical hall passes you are welcome to attend any day that you do not have something to do during your OC Block. You must be caught up with assignments or your main club’s activities. Then your teacher needs to approve an ePass.
Supplies: At the moment we try to provide what we can. We welcome any donations to our club closet. We especially need crochet hooks, embroidery hoops, and yarn.
Club Expectations
Welcome to the club! To ensure we create a positive and productive environment for everyone, please follow these expectations:
- No Phones (unless approved by a teacher)
- To keep our focus on the activity and each other, please keep your phone out of sight and on silent. If there's an emergency, let a club leader know in advance.
- Clean Up After Yourself
- We share this space, so let's respect it! Please clean up your area and put away any materials or equipment you use before you leave.
- Have Fun
- Enjoy the experience! Whether it's learning something new or collaborating with others, make sure to embrace the fun of being here.
- Support Each Other
- We're all in this together. Offer help, encouragement, and positive feedback to fellow members. Everyone's contribution is valuable!
- Be Kind
- Kindness is key! Treat others with respect, listen actively, and be considerate. A positive attitude makes a big difference for everyone.
By following these expectations, we’ll create a welcoming and enjoyable space for all!
Motion to approve Club Expectations by Bailey G.
Seconded by Tara M.
Passed by unanimous vote. 1/17/25
Please email the librarians if you are interested in joining the club at